Since the war in the Ukraine broke out and we made our first aid trip to help out rescues in the second week of the war. We decided then that what we witnessed were images that have made us committed to continue our support, and we have managed to do so much due to the support others donating both supplies and money.

To date we have now delivered over 150 tons of dog and cat food, large quantities of medical supplies and numerous dog crates, beds and bedding. This has not been done completely by myself as we have had drivers wanting to help take the aid we have collected through donations. We are still continuing to maintain a regular supply of mainly dog food now which we are getting transported roughly every 3-4 weeks when the amount reaches a sufficient load to be transported.

We have now teamed up with DogsNHomes Rescue a UK charity that like us was involved from the start and is like us continuing to keep the aid for animals going. We are so happy to be able to work with this amazing charity, but like all charities we cannot do this without the support and generosity of others. If you want to help us continue the support for those animals in the Ukraine you can donate at

We are happy to announce that we have also now teamed up with both here in the UK and also in Holland to continue to supply the much needed aid for the Ukraine, but we have also set up a food bank at our premises Lower Hey Boarding Kennels and Cattery to help those struggling in the UK with the cost of living crisis.